Hey All!
We are still patiently waiting for snow! Its giving time to continue prepping for our Winterval Loppet Weekend, which is shaping up to be tremendous (even without snow!).
This Thursday (18 Jan) we will have our first “Under The Lights w/ Bogside 0” night! Snow or Shine, we’ll be there for either a Ski, Snowshoe, or just a walk on the trails – with a Bogside 0 at the warming hut, and a fire afterwards. So we hope to see you out @ 8pm leaving from the Lower Parking Lot.
For Trivia (26 Jan) we already have around 30-35 people signed up, so it won’t take long to reach our limit of 90. We would love to hear from you with a Facebook message confirming your team – the more the merrier! Skiers can also just pop by for some entertainment should they choose to. More details regarding trivia on our Facebook Page.
Continue watching the website and the forecast, and we are looking forward to seeing people this Thursday evening!!
Trail Team