01 Mar 24 – Trail Report

Trails are in good shape following the mild weather and rain this week. Today’s cold snap should assist in the 2 wet spots that had formed (entrance to the trail and bottom of the first hill of the 5k). Conditions on the flats are phenomenal, and the hills are also in great shape – if anything a bit fast. The base remaining varies anywhere from 6 – 18 inches depending on where you look.

The trackset will be redone this afternoon as it is a bit shallow in some spots – we will just wait for the temperature to rise a bit.

If this wet spot at the bottom of the 5k continues to give us trouble in the mild weather to come, here is a route that avoids it:

Head through the flats, at the end of leg 3, head west (reverse) to the turnoff to Fox Run (3.25k). From there you can climb up Fox Run and avoid the wet spot altogether. It winds up being around 6.7 – 8k depending on if you add JL Loop in or not.

Enjoy the Spring Skiing!


Events and other things – Rental Shop will be open 5 – 8 tonight, and all day Saturday.

09 Mar we are planning a trivia night/ski day with Bogside & Loaf and Ladle coming back. Watch our Social Media for the details.

We will be taking orders for our annual themed t-shirts at the event on the 9th – initial mockup is here:

Design / Colour will be tweaked slightly – stay tuned on the 9th and get your order in at the lodge. There will only be 48 ordered, and they will be accompanied by an additional Striders Merchandise gift as well!



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